Our Mission
Good Renters need good Landlords and good Landlords need good Renters.
ForTheRenters.com landlords have made a commitment to be a new kind of landlord, engaged with all parties and striving to make a difference in the private rented sector, they are in the property business for all the right reasons.
Our Landlords renovate and maintain to a set of standards and are constantly striving to improve. Their joint vision is to regenerate 1100 homes by 2025. It will be a proud day when they achieve it and they will have left an indelible mark on the UK when they do. A wonderful thing happens when our Landlords pursue their vision. Poorly maintained and managed houses become high-quality homes and entire communities can be re-generated.
At ForTheRenters.com we choose who we work with and we only work with decent human beings. Everyone benefits; The Renters have decent and safe homes to live in, available long-term and at affordable rents. Landlords benefit from a long-term stable Renter in their property.
Our Landlords are proud to call themselves Landlords, Renters are happy and live in better Communities. At ForTheRenters.com, it is our Mission to create the environment that attracts good Landlords and good Renters and to perpetuate that good relationship.